King Kong Kaput

Firetrucks in Chicago
nice lights. . . spoiled the movie

We had to stop by Chicago again today – on our way to Washington DC – so we figured we could catch King King since we had more than enough time to spare

So we got to the first ten minutes of the show, when the character played by Jack Black was trying to sell his film idea to the producers:

PRODUCER: Will there be boobies?

JACK BLACK, confused: Boobies?

The movie cuts, the screen is black and the lights in the cinema come on.

MEMBER OF AUDIENCE, :after a pause: Guess there won’t be any boobies. . .

I hope that made you laugh, cause it certainly made me! What actually happened was a small fire broke out in the first floor of the cinema (we were in the upper floors), so needless to say we evacuated. After much hassle, we also got our money back. Looks like King Kong doesn’t want us to discover his nice cozy island right now.

The nights on the train have been tough on my sleep, especially when some Americans insist on chatting with people who don’t want to. It’s not good to fall sick when on holiday. It’s not full blown at the moment, so I’m trying to suppress it by not exerting myself. But tonight’s gonna be an even longer night on the train seat so I dunno what’s it gonna be like tomorrow.


Filed under Television/Movies, Traveling

2 responses to “King Kong Kaput

  1. someone

    king king..!!

    heh..Happy New Year..!!

    stay safe and be well..!!

  2. Ted K

    Haha I finally got to watch King Kong..not sure if i’m gonna blog about it, but I can say that I did liked it overall. Nice!

    Anyway, happy new year to you too! =)

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