Daily Archives: November 1, 2005

Where Hearts Grow Fonder

Imagine living far away from everything that you know and familiar with; lonliness creeps up on you. Every kind tends to stick to their own. Within only a couple of months, the 3rd and 4th freshmen couple has been formed, and I just found out about the latest two today. I admit, I may be kinda slow at finding out these things. . . because no one tells me!

It’s funny how these things come out, and I was warned by a senior that it would happen fast and furious. It does stir you into thinking a lot of philsophical thoughts about how relationships are formed and what they are really, or should be, about.

And honestly, I can’t lie and say that I had never, in these 2 months, been ‘attracted’ or felt ‘motivated’ to get into a relationship, but these things should take time, and it’s not as though I don’t already have someone in my heart. This is the challenge true love faces – the test of time.


Filed under Emo, UMich Life